Table Ball V0.2.0

Table Ball 0.2.0 has been released.

Unfortunately we've still got a lot left to do on the online multiplayer portion of the game and are delaying it for a future version.

Anyway, onto the changelog:


  • Basic Settings System
  • AI vs AI Game Mode
  • Added some backend code for when the online multiplayer version can be released
    • We'll have a "working concept" of the multiplayer version viewable on our YouTube channel in a few weeks.


  • Updated the Main menu, now you can see a game of Table Ball being played in the background
  • Debug options have been updated to work better
  • Player VS Player is now the default game mode
  • We've COMPLETELY reprogrammed the game manager
  • All game modes are within their own scenes now.
    • This will increase load times but will make things MUCH easier for us when we make updates to the game or add new game modes.
  • Increased the speed of the AI and the Ball in the PVAI scene to prevent issues where the AI would get stuck in an infinite loop of chasing the ball.
    • A loop as unending as time itself, continuously trying to get that ball, never being able to actually get it.
    • The speed difference between the AI and the ball has been reduced
    • The AI is now the same speed as the player increasing the difficulty.
    • More changes might come to the speed of the AI and the ball in the future.

Important Information

We'll also be uploading this game to our website in the coming days, future builds will be available there sooner then they are here.

This version is also the first version to include releases for both Linux and Mac OS X. Please let us know how well these versions run as I can LITERALLY count the amount of mac and linux testers on one hand :(

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